Pfandbriefzentrale is a joint venture between the 24 Swiss cantonal banks. These cantonal banks hold Pfandbriefzentrale's share capital.
Pfandbriefzentrale is a joint venture between the 24 Swiss cantonal banks. These cantonal banks hold Pfandbriefzentrale's share capital.
Proportion of share capital |
Cantonal bank | Canton | Established | Assets CHF million |
Legal form |
Canton participation (voting rights) |
State guarantee |
17,82 % | Zürcher Kantonalbank | ZH | 1870 | 201'259 | PLE | 100,0 % | yes |
13,64 % | Banque Cantonale Vaudoise | VD | 1845 | 58'870 | AG | 66,95 % (66,95%) |
no |
10,73 % | Berner Kantonalbank | BE | 1834 | 40'053 | AG | 51,5 % (51,5%) |
no |
5,91 % | Banque Cantonale de Genève | GE | 1816 | 30'270 | AG | 44,3 % (44,3 %) |
no |
5,82 % | St. Galler Kantonalbank | SG | 1868 | 41'337 | AG | 51,0% (51,0 %) |
yes |
5,82 % | Thurgauer Kantonalbank | TG | 1871 | 32'803 | PLE | 80,0% (100,0 %) |
yes |
5,18 % | Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank | BL | 1864 | 34'146 | PLE | 73,7 % (100,0%) |
yes |
5,18 % | Basler Kantonalbank | BS | 1899 | 52'677 | PLE | 85,8% (100,0 %) |
yes |
4,27 % | Luzerner Kantonalbank | LU | 1850 | 57'397 | AG | 61,5 % (61,5%) |
yes |
3,82 % | Graubündner Kantonalbank | GR | 1870 | 32'769 | PLE | 84,5% (100,0 %) |
yes |
3,73 % | Aargauische Kantonalbank | AG | 1913 | 35'986 | PLE | 100,0 % | yes |
2,91 % | Banque Cantonale du Valais | VS | 1917 | 20'109 | AG | 70,0 % (70,0 %) |
yes |
2,73 % | Banque Cantonale de Fribourg | FR | 1892 | 27'960 | PLE | 100,0 % | yes |
2,18 % | Schaffhauser Kantonalbank | SH | 1883 | 9'380 | PLE | 100,0 % | yes |
1,82 % | Schwyzer Kantonalbank | SZ | 1890 | 23'134 | PLE | 100,0 % | yes |
1,73 % | Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise | NE | 1883 | 11'879 | PLE | 100,0 % | yes |
1,36 % | Zuger Kantonalbank | ZG | 1892 | 18'820 | AG | 50,1 % (50,1 %) |
yes |
1,09 % | Banca dello Stato del Cantone Ticino | TI | 1915 | 17'995 | PLE | 100,0 % | yes |
0,91 % | Glarner Kantonalbank | GL | 1884 | 8'793 | AG | 58.15 % (58.15%) |
yes |
0,91 % | Obwaldner Kantonalbank | OW | 1886 | 6'023 | PLE | 78,6% (100,0 %) |
yes |
0,82 % | Nidwaldner Kantonalbank | NW | 1879 | 6'391 | PLE | 84,2% (100,0 %) |
yes |
0,64 % | Appenzeller Kantonalbank | AI | 1899 | 4'168 | PLE | 100,0 % | yes |
0,55 % | Urner Kantonalbank | UR | 1915 | 3'544 | PLE | 100,0 % | yes |
0,45 % | Banque Cantonale du Jura | JU | 1979 | 4'287 | AG | 55,7 % (55,7 %) |
yes |
Status as of 31 December 2023
PLE Public law entity
AG Public limited company